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Abstract Topic: Financial Management

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Analysis of Cash Management of PT XYZ in Karawang
Fithriyyah Nur Afifah S

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Fithriyyah Nur Afifah S

Institut Teknologi Bandung

This research discusses about cash management of PT XYZ that is engaged in the manufacturing of mechanical structural steel tubes in Karawang, West Java, Indonesia. After having a problem in working capital management on 2014, responsively, the Financial Manager of PT XYZ tried to rearrange the working capital management of PT XYZ. It results a well-managed inventory, account receivable, and account payable of the company. However, in 2016-2017, the value of current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio of PT XYZ is far above the average companies in the same industry. This indicates that PT XYZ hasn-t used its current assets or cash efficiently. To solve this problem, the researcher decided to use an approach method since there has been no study that discusses the required cash for carrying out company operations. This approach method consists of benchmarking analysis using cash ratio and pro forma financial statement, financial ratio analysis, and funding strategy analysis so the researcher could find out the cash required by PT XYZ and the impact of cash management implementation towards PT XYZ performance. The researcher also proposed the total cost of each funding strategy to know the most efficient management funding strategy that could be applied by PT XYZ. From the analysis that has been done, the researcher found the monthly cash requirement of PT XYZ and as the result, the cash management implementation will give an increase to both return on assets and total assets turnover, but a decrease to liquidity ratio. The funding strategy that is better implemented by PT XYZ is aggressive strategy because of the total cost is less costly compared to the conservative strategy. However, the decision to choose the funding strategy is rely on the risk characteristic of management and its banking relations.

working capital management, cash management, cash requirement

Financial Management


Analysis of the Effect of Funding Decision and dividend policy on the firm value and investment decision as mediation (Study on Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange)
Sugeng Sulistiono, researcher, , Yusna Co-researcher 1

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Sugeng Sulistiono

Politeknik Negeri Malang

Investment decision is use the investment opportunities of the firm and the value of market capitalization with equity. Investment decision is utilized as the endogen variable that influenced by funding decisions and dividend policy as mediation to firm value. The aims of this study are to examine and analyze (1) the direct effect of financial decision and dividend policy on firm value (2) the undirect effect of financial decision and dividend policy on firm value, and investment decision as mediation variable. This study was performed on the firms listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) During 2014to 2017 period. The data collection was done by using purposive sampling while the population is chosen based on population criteria. The Firm involved as research sample and the number of research samples are 72 firms. The method of data analysis is multiple regression analysis and Sobel Test used to test for mediation variable. The research findings show that the undirect effect of funding decisios and dividend policy with investment decisions as mediation on firm value is significant.

Firm Value, Investment decision, Financial decision, Dividend Policy

Financial Management


Analysis of the Influence of Firm Size, Leverage, Profitability, and Price Earnings Ratio on Firm Value on Manufacturing Companies of Consumers Goods Industry Sector Listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013-2017
Khoirin Azaro, Ludfi Djajanto,Padma Adriana

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of firm size, leverage, profitability, and price earnings ratio on firm value. The sample consisted of 11 manufacturing companies consumers goods industry sector listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013-2017. The sampling method in this research was purposive sampling. This is a quantitative research with descriptive approach. The anlysis technique used was multiple linear regression. The results of the statistical analysis show that partially variables of profitability and price earnings ratio have significant influence on firm value. Meanwhile, firm size and leverage have no significant influence on firm value. Simultaneously all of independent variables have significant influence on firm value. The result of this research is expected to be considered by investors in making investment decision. Beside that, it is also expected that financial performance can increase company firm value.

Firm Size, Leverage, Price Earnings Ratio and Profitability

Financial Management


Factors Impact The Cost Differences Between INA-CBGs Tariffs and Hospital Costs in JKN Patients With Appendicitis Cases
Rofida Lathifah1,2, Djazuly Chalidyanto1, Widodo J. Pudjirahardjo3

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Djazuly Chalidyanto

1Health and Policy Administration Department, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
2Jombang Islamic Hospital
3WJP Consultation Network
Corresponden author : djazulych[at]

The negative cost difference between the claims of INA-CBGs and hospital costs for patients which the member of National Health Insurance (JKN) with surgical cases at Jombang Islamic Hospital in 2017 reached IDR -248,095,186. It was hypothesized that the negative cost difference occurred due to the scheduling delay of the surgery and the patients length of stay. The objectives of this research were to identify the factors which affect the negative cost difference in the appendicitis cases. This was an observational analytic research with cross-sectional study design. This research involved 40 medical records of patients who were diagnosed with appendicitis in Jombang Islamic Hospital from January-December 2018. The patients were selected using stratified random sampling. The data were analyzed using linear regression. This research showed that length of stay (β=0.290; p=0.005) and schedule for the surgery (β=0.265; p=0.010) had a significant impact on the negative cost differences in the JKN patient with appendicitis. This research concludes an increase in the length of stay and the delay of the surgery schedule will increase the negative cost difference. Therefore, the hospital should monitor the surgeon compliance toward the length of stay and prevent the delay of surgical schedule in appendicitis cases to reduce the negative cost difference in Jombang Islamic Hospital.

appendicitis, cost differences, INA-CBGs tariff, length of stay, surgery schedule

Financial Management


Financial Distress Analysis on Asia Pacific Telecommunication Companies using Financial Ratios and Macroeconomic Variables 2014-2017
Rama Ardy Syahputra

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Rama Ardy Syahputra

Telkom University

This study attempts to predict financial distress companies in the telecommunication sector in Asia Pacific in the period of 2014-2017. We are using financial distress companies as the dependent variable and financial ratios and macroeconomic variables as the independent variables. The purpose of this research is to identify predictors of corporate financial distress, using logit model analysis, in an emerging market over a period of economic turbulence and to reveal the comparative predictive and classification accuracies of the models in this different market. The research relies on a sample of 14 telecommunication companies from 14 countries, which cover a period of stagnant economic growth during 2014-2017. This study found that the independent variables that can be used to predict financial distress companies in telecommunication sector in Asia Pacific were financial risk, operating risk, liquidity, profitability and Gross Domestic Product.

Financial Distress, Telecommunication, Asia Pacific

Financial Management


Identification Waste: To Control The Production Cost
Nikma Fitriasari (a*), Vanji Budi Himawan (a), Sri Winarsih (c)

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Nikma Fitriasari

a) Master Program in Hospital Management, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Veteran Street Malang
b)Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Background: BPJS developed a system of quality control and cost control in organizing universal health coverage. Quality control and cost control in hospitals is carried out by continuously improving quality and eliminating waste. Waste elimination can improve the control of production cost with the result that hospital profitability increases, without reducing service quality. Objective: This study aimed at examining the influencing of waste identification on the control of production cost. Methods: The study was performed in a class B teaching hospital with 410 beds. All of the pharmacy staff were included in the study. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 30 staff. Data analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). Results: Identification waste was found to have a negative significant impact on the control of production cost (Path coefficient=-0.683; T statistic= 16.034). Inappropriate processing and control of human resources cost were the predominant indicators (lf= 0.802 and 0,807). Conclusion: Identification waste adversely affect the control of production cost. The hospital should improve its pharmacy services by eliminating waste with the emphasis on inappropriate processing. To maintain the control of production cost, the hospital might consider to focus on the control of human resources cost.

Pharmaceutical unit, waste, control of production cost

Financial Management


Hasa Nurrohim KP, C Ambar Pujiharjanto, Sri Isworo Ediningsih

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Hasa Nurrohim KP

Program Studi Manajemen, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

This research carried out to look back at investment decisions made by the academic community within the Management Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, both conducted by lecturers, employees and students. The existence of the Financial and Capital Market Laboratory is expected to make it easier for lecturers, employees and students to invest in the form of share ownership. Testing is done by multiple regression by testing the factors of Neutral Information, Accounting Information, Classic, Social Relevance, Advocate Recommendation, Personal Financial Need.

the Financial and Capital Market Laboratory, lecturers, employees and student, testing factor investment

Financial Management


Shohib Muslim (a*), Hudriyah Mundzir (b), Ane Fany Novitasari (c)

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Shohib Muslim

(a) Senior Lecturer, General Course State Polytechnic of Malang
* email : shohibmuslim[at]
(b) Senior Lecturer, General Course State Polytechnic of Malang
(c) Lecturer, General Course State Polytechnic of Malang

This study discusses the regulation of the independence of the functions of the Financial Services Authority. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze why the functions of the OJK in the Regulation and Supervision of the Banking Credit Agreement have not protected the parties and how the OJK functions in the regulation and supervision of the Banking Credit Agreement to protect the parties. Based on the analysis carried out, it was concluded that the functions of the OJK in providing legal protection for the parties were not optimal because conflicts could occur within the legal norms of Law Number 21 Year 2011 concerning OJK between article 2 paragraph (2) regulating independence and article 7 regulating financial service activities In the banking sector, Article 34 regulates OJK budgets sourced from the State Budget and / or levies from parties conducting activities in the financial services sector and Article 37 regulates levies resulting in a conflict of interest between OJK and banks so that the questionable OJK independence can be lost.

Financial Services Authority, Banking, Independence

Financial Management


Mechanism of Courier Inpatient Services as Ideal Solution
Achmad Arrizal, Nikma Fitriasari

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Achmad Arrizal

Magister of Hospital Management Medical Faculty Universitas Brawijaya

Objective: Hospital inpatient was increased by 200% in JKN era. It has not been matched by the class availability according inpatient rights. National rules mentioned that placement above the right class could be solution of this problem. The aim of this study is to compare the differences between inpatient claims and rates. Method: Quantitative design with cross-sectional approach was used. The data was taken in October-November 2018 in Hospital B. There were 97 patients data divided into one-level courier groups and more than one-level courier groups. SPSS 22 was used for statistic test. Results: The mean difference between inpatient claims and rates with one-level courier groups and more than one-level courier groups are –Rp.484,050 and –Rp.1,228,864, respectively. There was no significant difference (p=0.059). Conclusion: There is no difference between one level courier group and more than one level courier group in case of differences between inpatient claims and rates.

Claim, Inpatient rate, Courier Inpatient Services , JKN

Financial Management


Substainability in Citra Harapan Hospital
Ferry, MF. Arrozi Adhikara, Supriyantoro ,,,

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dr. Ferry


Going concern issues indicate the circumstances in which the hospital must continue to operate in the future. The aim of the study is to obtain empirical evidence of the simultaneous influence of physician compliance in filling medical records, factoring, and credit maturity as an intervening variable on hospital performance. The research quantitative method with the type of research is hypothesis testing. This type of research is causality. Data source is secondary. The unit of analysis is the company. The time horizon is a one shot study. Data analysis using path analysis. The results showed that the compliance of doctors in filling medical records for credit maturity was rejected; the effect of accounts receivable maturity on hospital performance received; the effect of accounts receivable maturity on factoring is rejected; the effect of credit maturity on hospital performance was rejected; the effect of factoring on hospital performance was accepted; and Doctors compliance in filling medical records on hospital performance is accepted. The reseaerch findings that hospitals must make factoring in order to get around uncollectible receivables into cash in the company. So going going concern in overcoming cash flow problems due to late payment from BPJS Health.

Doctor compliance in filling out medical records, factoring, accounts receivable maturity, hospital performance

Financial Management


The Impact of National Health Insurance on Hospital Productivity at Indonesia
Irwandy(a*), Amal C. Sjaaf(b), Anhari Achadi(b), Mardiati Nadjib(b)

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Irwandy Irwandy

a). Hospital Management Department, Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

b). Administration and Health Policy Department, Public Health Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the hospital productivity changes in South Sulawesi Province, since the implementation of the National Health Insurance policy in Indonesia from 2014-2017. Methods: The research method used was a quantitative with cross-sectional study design. The population and sample of the study were the 25 Public Hospital in South Sulawesi Province. Analysis of Hospital productivity growth is measured by the Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index (TFPI) method. Results: During the period of 2014 to 2017, the level of productivity of hospitals grew by 4%, but the annual analysis showed that the level of productivity of hospitals decreased from year to year. In 2014-2015, hospital productivity grew by 7.4%, 2015-2016 fell to 4.1% and 2016-2017 only grew by 0.5%. Conclusion: The results showed that since the implementation of the National Health Insurance policy, the level of hospital productivity continued to decline.

Healthcare, Data Envelopment Analysis, BLUD, Policy Implementation

Financial Management


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